Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bridge Design Challenge

Our team consisted of Connor, Corin, Lauren, and Me. The bridge building design took many revisions. We started out building two main pieces and connecting them with angled supports. We then copied that design and built supports between the two sides. The first design held around 400 batteries before it broke. Then we revamped it adding more supports, at about the weight of two batteries it held around 1200!!! That showed a 1:600 ratio while following the constraints. Unfortunately we are missing the one person who has pictures, however we do have pictures of cats.(and a sketch i guess)

Marble Sorter

Teammates: Quinn, Lauren, and Connor

Organize it!: Title your post and organize it by section in a logical manner. 

Cha-Ching Cha-Ching!!

Brainstorm!: Provide at least four of your team’s brainstorming ideas for the design solution. This should include brainstorming sketches. Each sketch should include labels and descriptions for communication.

Use our Inventor CAD software to model a prototype or your final design. Post screenshots of your model.

Enter the Matrix: Evaluate your solution ideas (4 minimum) using a decision matrix. Determine the best solution to the problem. Explain your rating system and share insight on why you rated your solutions as you did.

Design solution: Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 3D modeling software to document the best solution, based upon your team’s decision matrix. Your sketch or 3D model should include a rationale for the design ted as the final design solution. Each sketch should include labels and descriptions for communication.

Reflection: In our teams experience of building and programming the marble sorter what went well was the process in which we built and then programmed the hardware. We were very efficient in putting together a solution to the task and to any problems we encountered. We also quickly made the program for the marble sorter in a timely manner. What went wrong was the the program was never without flaw. There was constantly a problem in the encoding that we needed to solve.

Product Achievements:

Sorting Speed (15 marbels total: at least 3 different types):
Process 15 marbles in less than 2:00 minutes. 
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:45 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:30 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:15 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:00 minute.
Process 15 marbles in less than 45 seconds.
Process 15 marbles in less than 30 seconds.

Marble Sorting (Must sort at least 3 types. More than 3 types earns you a multiplier on your Sorting Speed achievements):
Sort 4 marble types = 2 x earned Sort Speed Achievements.
Sort 5 marble types = 3 x earned Sort Speed Achievements

Marble Delivery (may use non-fischertechnik materials to create a "hopper" to drop marbles into for "Drop" achievements):
Drop marbles from 6" above machine 
Drop marbles from 1' above machine
Drop marbles from 2' above machine


Robotics Challenge 

utonomous Challenge 01 - "Straight Line" race
  • Create an autonomous vehicle with Lego Robotics parts (task) in order so that it will traverse a 3ft straight line course. This activity serves as an intro/familiarization to your Lego Robotics kits (purpose).
  • Design, build, document and share your solution.
Autonomous Challenge 02 - "Bent" course race
  • Modify your design so that it can navigate a course with a turn in it (see layout at the back of the room). This change is designed to make you implement a solution that requires some sort of sensor input.
  • Design, build, document and share your solution.

Share your experience to this point on your online portfolio:
  • The team of Corin, Connor, Quinn, and Lauren, designed and built a Lego robot which traversed multiple courses. The design was small and quite maneuverable enabling it to achieve the fastest time in both of the obstacle courses. 

  • Challenge Review

    • Course 1
    • Our video demonstrates the robot in action on the first course. It preformed significantly well enabling us to hold the first place position for the entire challenge. No modifications except wire holders were required.

    • Course 2
    • We have no photos of the second course, however, our robot preformed exceedingly well and attempted the bonus section containing a triple curve track. While most went for the longer two turns, we did quite well in the triple shorter track.